Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Pink Skirt

Hey hey hey,

This is the outfit I wore on the second day of work, it features some more great steals because as you will learn I'm a bit of a sale junkie. I get a bit of a thrill from buying something at a reduced price, some people sky-dive, I shop. I find it to be a little safer and just as rewarding.  Don't worry, I did this pose for a few days when I got home from work but I quickly was over the idea.  If you look closely enough you can see my badge for work peaking out, I stopped wearing it around the third week, I don't really like the idea of walking around with something that has my name and face on it, I think you can just see my face and ask me my name if you'd like to know.

I got the black cardigan from Target for $5.00, an unbeatable price for such a great staple piece, it's a lightweight cardigan and I wear it all the time.  I got the striped tank from Wal-Mart for $4.00, I saw it there once while I was getting whatever one gets at Wal-Mart and couldn't resist the price for a tank.  This skirt is one of my absolute favorite things that I own, I can't even tell you how many years ago I bought this. It's from Ann Taylor Loft and I got it for about $15.00, my bestie also has the same skirt so that makes it extra special. And the shoes, I should have gotten a close up of the shoes (still new at this), the shoes are Charles for Charles David, I actually got these my senior year of high school. The day I got them was one of the best days of my life, that day I got a whopping 4 pairs of shoes from DSW and back in those days I was just a little high schooler with no job and no real money so...my awesome parents bought them for me.  Went there with my mom with the money my dad gave me for two pairs and then my mom ended up buying me two more pairs. These shoes were pretty pricey for a high schooler to get on her parents' dime but I got them because I tried them on and said to my mom "I don't know what sex is like but I'm sure these are better." She was sold.  Lesson learned: virginity=shoes.  Maybe if I tell her I don't know what crack is like, she'll buy me one of the many items I've been crushing on lately.


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